MABCU - data for road nerds

Congestion Data for the A49 southbound between A489 and B4368 near Craven Arms (north)

Location Map

Marker lines are simplified and, for smaller roads, may be a simple straight line from the start of the measured section to its end rather than an accurate representation of the road. Please refer to the underlying map for the precise route of the road.

  • Congestion Index: 100 (very high) 😡
  • Average Delay: 245 seconds per vehicle mile
  • Average Speed: 10mph
  • Congestion Ranking: 5th
    out of 7,323 congestion data locations
  • Road Category: Trunk road
  • Road Number: A49
  • Data collected: 2019 to 2023

Annual Delay Statistics

YearAverage DelayDelay Index (all roads)Delay Index (trunk roads) Average Speed
2023 245.0 98 100 10 mph
2022 211.4 98 100 11 mph
2021 233.1 99 100 10 mph
2020 18.2 44 85 n/a
2019 21.2 56 82 n/a

Average speed data is only shown for years when it was collected. Average speeds may vary for reasons unrelated to congestion, for example changes in road layout or speed limits.

The delay index is shown for all roads as well as trunk roads. Congestion is typically higher on non-trunk roads than it is on trunk roads, so it's usually more useful to compare values like for like.

The delay index in the table relates to the year in that row. So it's possible for the delay index to go up (get worse than other roads) even when the actual delay has gone down, and vice versa. It depends on how much delays have changed on other roads as well as this one.

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

MABCU is a Good Stuff website.

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