Traffic Statistics for the A8 Nelson Street, Glasgow, Glasgow City
between A8 Paisley Rd and A77
- Region: Scotland
- Highway Authority: Glasgow City
- County/Unitary Council: Glasgow City
- OS Coordinates: 258500, 664500
- Latitude/Longitude: 55.852873505, -4.261941382
- Built-up Area: Glasgow
- Street Name: Nelson Street
- Road Number: A8
- Road Type: Major
- Road Category: Class A Primary Road
- Road Design: Single Carriageway
- Link Location: Between A8 Paisley Rd and A77
- Link Length: 0.43 miles (0.7 km)
- Data collected: 2000 to 2004
Year |
Pedal cycles |
Motorbikes and Mopeds |
Cars and Taxis |
Buses and Coaches |
Light Goods Vehicles |
Heavy Goods Vehicles |
All Motor Vehicles |
2004 |
33 |
56 |
8,425 |
622 |
1,507 |
836 |
11,446 |
2003 |
40 |
85 |
8,316 |
760 |
1,368 |
697 |
11,226 |
2002 |
45 |
60 |
8,636 |
781 |
1,260 |
707 |
11,444 |
2001 |
43 |
58 |
8,500 |
775 |
1,175 |
736 |
11,244 |
2000 |
45 |
55 |
8,772 |
740 |
1,167 |
775 |
11,509 |
Year |
Pedal cycles |
Motorbikes and Mopeds |
Cars and Taxis |
Buses and Coaches |
Light Goods Vehicles |
Heavy Goods Vehicles |
All Motor Vehicles |
2004 |
33 |
56 |
8,425 |
622 |
1,507 |
836 |
11,446 |
2003 |
40 |
85 |
8,316 |
760 |
1,368 |
697 |
11,226 |
2002 |
45 |
60 |
8,636 |
781 |
1,260 |
707 |
11,444 |
2001 |
43 |
58 |
8,500 |
775 |
1,175 |
736 |
11,244 |
2000 |
45 |
55 |
8,772 |
740 |
1,167 |
775 |
11,509 |