Traffic Statistics for the A724 Brandon Street, Hamilton, South Lanarkshire
between Leechlee Rd and A723
- Region: Scotland
- Highway Authority: South Lanarkshire
- County/Unitary Council: South Lanarkshire
- OS Coordinates: 272300, 655300
- Latitude/Longitude: 55.774117868, -4.037338678
- Built-up Area: Hamilton
- Street Name: Brandon Street
- Road Number: A724
- Road Type: Major
- Road Category: Class A Primary Road
- Road Design: Single Carriageway
- Link Location: Between Leechlee Rd and A723
- Link Length: 0.06 miles (0.1 km)
- Data collected: 2000 to 2004
Year |
Pedal cycles |
Motorbikes and Mopeds |
Cars and Taxis |
Buses and Coaches |
Light Goods Vehicles |
Heavy Goods Vehicles |
All Motor Vehicles |
2004 |
17 |
64 |
18,724 |
620 |
1,928 |
567 |
21,903 |
2003 |
21 |
73 |
18,687 |
666 |
1,946 |
564 |
21,936 |
2002 |
23 |
65 |
18,952 |
746 |
1,785 |
528 |
22,076 |
2001 |
22 |
64 |
18,990 |
730 |
1,781 |
548 |
22,113 |
2000 |
23 |
62 |
18,618 |
716 |
1,788 |
560 |
21,744 |
Year |
Pedal cycles |
Motorbikes and Mopeds |
Cars and Taxis |
Buses and Coaches |
Light Goods Vehicles |
Heavy Goods Vehicles |
All Motor Vehicles |
2004 |
17 |
64 |
18,724 |
620 |
1,928 |
567 |
21,903 |
2003 |
21 |
73 |
18,687 |
666 |
1,946 |
564 |
21,936 |
2002 |
23 |
65 |
18,952 |
746 |
1,785 |
528 |
22,076 |
2001 |
22 |
64 |
18,990 |
730 |
1,781 |
548 |
22,113 |
2000 |
23 |
62 |
18,618 |
716 |
1,788 |
560 |
21,744 |