MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A6 Broad Street, Salford

between A5063 Albion Way and A576 Broughton Rd

Location Map
  • Region: North West
  • Highway Authority: Salford
  • County/Unitary Council: Salford
  • OS Coordinates: 381590, 398990
  • Latitude/Longitude: 53.487297, -2.2789188
  • Built-up Area: Salford
  • Street Name: Broad Street
  • Road Number: A6
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Primary Road
  • Road Design: Collapsed Dual Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between A5063 Albion Way and A576 Broughton Rd
  • Link Length: 0.56 miles (0.9 km)
  • Data collected: 2000 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 216 166 30,387 703 4,448 928 36,632
2022 98 131 23,834 718 4,841 1,171 30,695
2021 110 119 22,315 668 4,466 1,126 28,694
2020 134 113 20,255 647 4,097 1,046 26,157
2019 326 384 30,686 947 4,232 1,245 37,494
2018 297 409 30,306 937 4,269 1,245 37,165
2017 270 432 29,193 787 5,336 1,155 36,904
2016 281 428 29,410 843 5,069 1,145 36,894
2015 302 437 28,958 910 4,640 1,120 36,065
2014 325 430 29,499 918 4,412 1,126 36,384
2013 216 489 33,605 772 4,166 1,142 40,173
2012 219 489 33,797 821 4,119 1,108 40,333
2011 223 381 37,960 618 3,693 2,121 44,773
2010 202 359 38,150 618 3,582 2,089 44,798
2009 287 421 41,912 712 4,884 1,646 49,575
2008 192 406 41,546 692 4,012 2,072 48,728
2007 179 457 40,940 690 5,634 1,808 49,529
2006 287 453 42,959 717 5,164 1,815 51,108
2005 184 436 42,831 728 5,083 1,789 50,867
2004 216 432 43,928 740 4,954 1,867 51,921
2003 186 533 39,896 917 4,759 1,463 47,568
2002 209 475 40,462 1,027 4,366 1,364 47,694
2001 201 470 40,543 1,005 4,357 1,398 47,773
2000 267 473 40,467 1,185 4,469 1,387 47,981

Data: Northbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 78 75 13,668 337 2,102 444 16,626
2022 33 63 11,917 356 2,499 596 15,432
2021 37 58 11,157 331 2,305 573 14,425
2020 45 55 10,127 321 2,115 533 13,150
2019 156 202 15,260 457 2,006 607 18,531
2018 142 215 15,071 452 2,023 606 18,368
2017 118 203 15,415 385 2,729 618 19,350
2016 124 201 15,530 413 2,592 613 19,348
2015 133 205 15,291 445 2,373 600 18,915
2013 89 225 15,968 383 2,069 565 19,209
2012 90 224 16,059 407 2,045 550 19,286
2011 108 189 20,163 320 2,007 992 23,671
2010 98 178 20,264 320 1,947 976 23,685
2007 74 219 19,525 335 2,759 963 23,801
2006 118 217 20,488 348 2,529 969 24,551
2005 76 209 20,427 353 2,489 956 24,434
2004 89 207 20,950 359 2,426 997 24,939
2000 143 199 19,896 589 2,205 713 23,602

Data: Southbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 138 90 16,718 366 2,347 484 20,006
2022 65 68 11,917 362 2,342 574 15,263
2021 72 62 11,157 337 2,161 552 14,269
2020 89 58 10,127 326 1,982 513 13,007
2019 170 182 15,426 490 2,226 639 18,963
2018 155 194 15,235 485 2,246 638 18,797
2017 151 229 13,778 402 2,607 537 17,553
2016 158 227 13,880 430 2,477 532 17,546
2015 170 232 13,666 465 2,268 520 17,150
2013 127 264 17,637 389 2,097 576 20,964
2012 128 264 17,738 413 2,074 558 21,047
2011 115 192 17,797 298 1,686 1,129 21,102
2010 104 181 17,886 298 1,635 1,113 21,113
2007 105 238 21,415 355 2,875 845 25,728
2006 169 236 22,471 369 2,635 846 26,557
2005 108 227 22,404 375 2,594 833 26,433
2004 127 225 22,978 381 2,528 870 26,982
2000 124 274 20,571 596 2,264 674 24,379

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2014 143 202 15,577 449 2,256 603 19,087
2009 188 223 22,081 370 2,711 867 26,252
2008 102 214 21,002 363 2,017 1,075 24,671
2003 88 279 20,600 487 2,534 740 24,640
2002 99 249 20,892 545 2,325 689 24,700
2001 95 246 20,934 533 2,320 704 24,737

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2014 182 228 13,922 469 2,156 523 17,297
2009 99 198 19,831 342 2,173 779 23,323
2008 90 192 20,544 329 1,995 997 24,057
2003 98 254 19,296 430 2,225 723 22,928
2002 110 226 19,570 482 2,041 675 22,994
2001 106 224 19,609 472 2,037 694 23,036

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MABCU is a Good Stuff website.

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