MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A40 High Holborn, Camden

between Procter St and Gray's Inn Rd

Location Map
  • Region: London
  • Highway Authority: Transport for London
  • County/Unitary Council: Camden
  • OS Coordinates: 531000, 181610
  • Latitude/Longitude: 51.518229, -0.11335671
  • Built-up Area: Camden
  • Street Name: High Holborn
  • Road Number: A40
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Primary Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between Procter St and Gray's Inn Rd
  • Link Length: 0.31 miles (0.5 km)
  • Data collected: 2000 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 2,114 839 7,040 637 2,362 475 11,353
2022 2,061 827 7,055 632 2,321 480 11,315
2021 2,013 717 6,869 624 2,138 454 10,802
2020 2,254 629 6,367 619 2,005 428 10,047
2019 3,413 1,339 11,836 1,223 2,022 644 17,064
2018 3,642 1,269 11,805 1,231 2,023 649 16,976
2017 3,688 1,259 11,815 1,279 1,982 664 17,000
2016 3,775 1,215 11,819 1,332 1,999 684 17,049
2015 3,650 1,132 12,068 1,260 1,938 668 17,066
2014 3,610 1,138 11,891 1,229 1,975 696 16,928
2013 3,355 1,109 11,717 1,263 1,938 781 16,808
2012 3,521 1,205 11,795 1,195 1,923 747 16,866
2011 3,797 1,910 13,841 1,354 2,464 506 20,075
2010 3,862 1,943 14,038 1,336 2,507 510 20,334
2009 3,501 1,965 14,266 1,326 2,553 494 20,604
2008 3,533 2,022 14,662 1,294 2,634 490 21,102
2007 7,482 3,701 24,409 1,521 4,097 515 34,243
2006 7,566 3,614 24,705 1,546 4,005 563 34,433
2005 5,826 3,322 23,789 1,415 3,778 592 32,896
2004 1,011 1,456 23,037 1,195 3,436 398 29,522
2003 954 1,386 25,626 1,098 3,285 350 31,745
2002 1,843 1,572 19,861 960 2,148 515 25,056
2001 2,016 3,946 20,894 1,318 4,542 413 31,113
2000 1,770 3,545 21,385 1,324 4,445 412 31,111

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 820 449 3,981 333 1,376 258 6,397
2022 800 442 3,989 331 1,352 261 6,375
2021 781 384 3,883 327 1,246 247 6,086
2020 874 336 3,600 324 1,168 232 5,660
2019 1,742 727 6,493 618 1,166 333 9,337
2018 1,859 689 6,476 621 1,167 336 9,289
2017 1,882 684 6,481 646 1,143 343 9,298
2016 1,927 660 6,483 673 1,153 353 9,322
2015 1,863 615 6,620 636 1,118 345 9,335
2014 1,843 618 6,523 620 1,139 361 9,261
2013 1,712 603 6,427 638 1,118 404 9,190
2012 1,797 655 6,470 604 1,109 387 9,225
2011 1,701 944 8,491 677 1,610 290 12,012
2010 1,730 960 8,612 668 1,638 292 12,170
2009 1,568 971 8,752 663 1,668 283 12,337
2008 1,582 999 8,995 647 1,721 280 12,642
2007 3,117 1,689 12,186 783 2,040 249 16,947
2006 3,152 1,649 12,334 796 1,994 272 17,045
2005 2,427 1,516 11,877 729 1,881 286 16,289
2004 734 916 9,278 676 1,751 164 12,785
2003 693 872 10,321 621 1,674 144 13,632
2002 904 830 10,596 471 1,282 298 13,477
2001 907 2,057 11,108 648 2,522 217 16,552
2000 796 1,848 11,369 651 2,468 216 16,552

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 1,294 390 3,060 304 986 217 4,957
2022 1,262 385 3,066 301 969 220 4,940
2021 1,232 334 2,985 298 892 208 4,716
2020 1,379 292 2,767 295 837 195 4,387
2019 1,671 611 5,343 606 856 311 7,727
2018 1,783 580 5,329 609 856 313 7,687
2017 1,806 575 5,334 633 839 321 7,702
2016 1,848 555 5,335 660 846 331 7,727
2015 1,787 517 5,448 624 820 322 7,731
2014 1,767 520 5,368 608 836 335 7,667
2013 1,643 507 5,289 625 820 376 7,618
2012 1,724 550 5,325 592 814 360 7,641
2011 2,096 966 5,350 677 854 216 8,063
2010 2,132 983 5,426 668 869 218 8,164
2009 1,933 994 5,514 663 885 211 8,267
2008 1,951 1,023 5,667 647 913 210 8,460
2007 4,365 2,012 12,223 738 2,057 266 17,296
2006 4,414 1,965 12,371 750 2,011 291 17,388
2005 3,399 1,806 11,912 686 1,897 306 16,607
2004 277 540 13,759 519 1,685 234 16,737
2003 261 514 15,305 477 1,611 206 18,113
2002 939 742 9,265 489 866 217 11,579
2001 1,109 1,889 9,786 670 2,020 196 14,561
2000 974 1,697 10,016 673 1,977 196 14,559

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