MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A104 Essex Road, Islington

between A1200 and A1199

Location Map
  • Region: London
  • Highway Authority: Transport for London
  • County/Unitary Council: Islington
  • OS Coordinates: 532500, 184450
  • Latitude/Longitude: 51.5434, -0.090683274
  • Built-up Area: Islington
  • Street Name: Essex Road
  • Road Number: A104
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Primary Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between A1200 and A1199
  • Link Length: 0.56 miles (0.9 km)
  • Data collected: 2000 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 1,576 1,482 10,429 1,382 3,540 428 17,262
2022 1,537 1,460 10,451 1,371 3,479 432 17,194
2021 1,501 1,267 10,175 1,355 3,205 407 16,408
2020 1,681 1,110 9,431 1,343 3,006 384 15,275
2019 3,003 893 6,608 1,553 1,714 341 11,110
2018 3,204 847 6,591 1,562 1,715 346 11,061
2017 3,244 840 6,597 1,623 1,681 346 11,088
2016 3,321 811 6,599 1,691 1,695 353 11,149
2015 3,211 756 6,738 1,599 1,643 356 11,092
2014 3,176 759 6,639 1,560 1,675 374 11,006
2013 2,951 740 6,542 1,603 1,643 423 10,952
2012 3,097 804 6,585 1,517 1,631 410 10,947
2011 3,656 1,384 13,683 1,625 2,078 471 19,241
2010 3,719 1,408 13,878 1,604 2,114 476 19,480
2009 3,372 1,424 14,104 1,592 2,153 463 19,736
2008 3,403 1,465 14,496 1,555 2,222 459 20,197
2007 3,317 1,440 14,807 1,531 2,225 451 20,454
2006 3,354 1,406 14,987 1,555 2,175 490 20,613
2005 2,583 1,293 14,431 1,424 2,051 516 19,715
2004 2,000 1,297 14,725 1,466 2,041 504 20,033
2003 1,542 1,409 20,370 1,780 3,742 334 27,635
2002 1,321 1,352 21,087 1,472 3,503 367 27,781
2001 1,433 2,023 21,901 1,563 4,095 657 30,239
2000 1,258 1,818 22,417 1,569 4,007 642 30,453

Data: Northbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 793 754 5,699 676 2,057 230 9,415
2022 773 743 5,711 670 2,021 232 9,377
2021 755 644 5,560 662 1,862 219 8,947
2020 845 565 5,154 656 1,746 207 8,328
2019 942 406 3,405 741 964 171 5,687
2018 1,005 385 3,396 745 965 173 5,664
2017 1,018 382 3,399 775 946 174 5,675
2016 1,042 368 3,400 807 953 178 5,706
2015 1,008 343 3,472 763 924 179 5,681
2014 996 345 3,421 744 942 187 5,639
2013 926 336 3,371 765 924 212 5,609
2012 972 365 3,393 724 917 205 5,605
2011 1,415 601 7,092 799 1,025 276 9,793
2010 1,439 611 7,193 789 1,043 280 9,916
2009 1,305 618 7,310 783 1,062 272 10,045
2008 1,317 636 7,513 765 1,096 270 10,280
2007 1,284 625 7,675 753 1,098 266 10,417
2006 1,298 610 7,768 765 1,073 289 10,505
2005 1,000 561 7,480 700 1,012 305 10,058
2004 774 563 7,632 721 1,007 299 10,222
2003 657 645 9,703 837 1,942 199 13,326
2002 563 619 10,045 692 1,818 218 13,392
2001 444 812 10,784 744 2,035 341 14,716
2000 390 730 11,038 747 1,991 332 14,838

Data: Southbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 784 728 4,730 707 1,484 198 7,847
2022 764 718 4,740 701 1,458 200 7,816
2021 746 622 4,614 693 1,343 189 7,461
2020 835 545 4,277 687 1,260 178 6,947
2019 2,060 488 3,203 812 750 170 5,423
2018 2,199 462 3,195 817 750 173 5,397
2017 2,226 459 3,198 849 735 172 5,413
2016 2,279 443 3,199 884 742 175 5,442
2015 2,203 412 3,266 836 719 178 5,411
2014 2,179 414 3,218 815 733 186 5,367
2013 2,025 404 3,171 838 719 211 5,343
2012 2,126 439 3,192 793 713 204 5,342
2011 2,241 783 6,591 826 1,053 195 9,448
2010 2,280 797 6,685 815 1,071 196 9,564
2009 2,067 806 6,794 809 1,091 191 9,691
2008 2,086 829 6,983 790 1,126 189 9,917
2007 2,033 815 7,132 778 1,127 185 10,037
2006 2,056 796 7,219 790 1,102 201 10,108
2005 1,583 732 6,951 724 1,039 211 9,657
2004 1,226 734 7,093 745 1,034 205 9,811
2003 885 764 10,667 943 1,800 135 14,309
2002 758 733 11,042 780 1,685 149 14,389
2001 989 1,211 11,117 819 2,060 316 15,523
2000 868 1,088 11,379 822 2,016 310 15,615

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