MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A200 Creek Road, Greenwich

between A2209 and A2211/A206

Location Map
  • Region: London
  • Highway Authority: Transport for London
  • County/Unitary Council: Greenwich
  • OS Coordinates: 538000, 177700
  • Latitude/Longitude: 51.481428, -0.014060881
  • Built-up Area: Greenwich
  • Street Name: Creek Road
  • Road Number: A200
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Primary Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between A2209 and A2211/A206
  • Link Length: 0.62 miles (1 km)
  • Data collected: 2000 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 2,057 484 8,247 349 3,366 318 12,765
2022 2,006 624 10,817 453 4,324 420 16,638
2021 1,959 541 10,531 447 3,983 395 15,898
2020 2,194 474 9,761 444 3,736 373 14,789
2019 1,773 662 13,629 565 4,548 451 19,855
2018 1,913 638 13,752 576 4,619 465 20,051
2017 1,928 631 13,699 597 4,509 466 19,903
2016 1,532 471 10,636 482 3,523 368 15,480
2015 1,481 439 10,860 456 3,416 369 15,540
2014 1,291 464 10,897 475 3,283 370 15,489
2013 1,307 849 12,103 526 3,620 660 17,757
2012 1,596 870 11,999 570 3,531 643 17,611
2011 1,846 800 12,232 578 3,616 604 17,830
2010 1,857 804 12,268 560 3,634 600 17,866
2009 1,918 857 12,609 527 3,674 586 18,253
2008 1,768 906 12,711 500 3,772 627 18,516
2007 1,509 930 13,010 491 3,853 643 18,927
2006 1,170 948 13,208 489 3,770 575 18,990
2005 153 663 12,547 514 3,146 1,350 18,220
2004 149 722 12,686 480 3,081 1,352 18,321
2003 172 756 12,536 421 3,254 1,239 18,206
2002 119 731 12,792 365 2,955 1,290 18,133
2001 484 668 15,483 572 3,315 897 20,935
2000 441 618 15,467 534 3,305 947 20,871

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 885 268 3,557 172 1,691 175 5,863
2022 863 344 4,631 222 2,159 229 7,584
2021 843 298 4,508 219 1,989 215 7,229
2020 944 261 4,179 217 1,865 204 6,726
2019 763 370 5,953 281 2,310 250 9,164
2018 847 365 6,178 294 2,405 263 9,506
2017 858 363 6,191 306 2,360 265 9,484
2016 673 268 4,743 244 1,822 207 7,284
2015 651 250 4,843 231 1,767 208 7,299
2014 567 264 4,859 241 1,698 209 7,271
2013 786 467 7,033 275 1,815 362 9,953
2012 959 478 6,972 299 1,770 351 9,870
2011 1,110 440 7,108 303 1,813 328 9,992
2010 1,117 442 7,129 294 1,822 324 10,011
2009 1,154 471 7,327 277 1,842 319 10,236
2008 1,064 498 7,386 263 1,891 341 10,379
2007 908 511 7,560 258 1,932 349 10,610
2006 704 521 7,675 257 1,890 311 10,654
2005 58 283 4,626 269 1,494 640 7,312
2004 56 308 4,677 251 1,463 644 7,343
2003 65 323 4,622 220 1,545 596 7,306
2002 45 312 4,716 191 1,403 623 7,245
2001 182 293 6,510 317 1,538 367 9,025
2000 166 271 6,503 296 1,533 388 8,991

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 1,172 216 4,691 177 1,675 143 6,902
2022 1,143 280 6,186 231 2,166 190 9,054
2021 1,117 243 6,023 229 1,995 180 8,669
2020 1,250 213 5,582 227 1,871 170 8,063
2019 1,010 292 7,677 283 2,237 202 10,691
2018 1,067 273 7,574 282 2,214 202 10,546
2017 1,070 269 7,508 290 2,149 201 10,418
2016 859 203 5,893 237 1,701 161 8,196
2015 831 190 6,018 224 1,649 161 8,241
2014 724 200 6,038 234 1,585 161 8,218
2013 521 382 5,070 250 1,805 298 7,805
2012 636 391 5,026 271 1,761 292 7,741
2011 736 360 5,124 275 1,803 276 7,838
2010 740 362 5,139 266 1,812 276 7,855
2009 764 386 5,282 250 1,832 267 8,017
2008 704 408 5,325 237 1,881 286 8,137
2007 601 419 5,450 233 1,921 294 8,317
2006 466 427 5,533 232 1,880 264 8,336
2005 95 380 7,921 245 1,652 710 10,908
2004 93 414 8,009 229 1,618 708 10,978
2003 107 433 7,914 201 1,709 643 10,900
2002 74 419 8,076 174 1,552 667 10,888
2001 302 375 8,973 255 1,777 530 11,910
2000 275 347 8,964 238 1,772 559 11,880

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