MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A202 Queen's Road, Southwark

between A202 Clayton Rd and A2214 Lausanne rd

Location Map
  • Region: London
  • Highway Authority: Transport for London
  • County/Unitary Council: Southwark
  • OS Coordinates: 535000, 176730
  • Latitude/Longitude: 51.473435, -0.057607087
  • Built-up Area: Southwark
  • Street Name: Queen's Road
  • Road Number: A202
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Primary Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between A202 Clayton Rd and A2214 Lausanne rd
  • Link Length: 0.56 miles (0.9 km)
  • Data collected: 2000 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 2,594 1,503 13,450 1,496 3,705 820 20,972
2022 2,530 1,481 13,478 1,484 3,640 833 20,915
2021 2,004 838 14,303 1,458 3,844 798 21,241
2020 2,244 735 13,257 1,446 3,606 746 19,789
2019 1,814 964 17,489 1,735 4,136 864 25,188
2018 1,935 914 17,443 1,745 4,138 860 25,100
2017 1,396 1,154 13,169 1,612 3,511 964 20,409
2016 1,429 1,113 13,173 1,679 3,540 1,018 20,523
2015 1,381 1,037 13,450 1,588 3,433 910 20,418
2014 1,366 1,042 13,253 1,548 3,498 920 20,261
2013 1,270 1,016 13,059 1,592 3,433 1,003 20,103
2012 1,513 1,127 18,597 1,386 4,005 1,121 26,236
2011 1,473 1,185 19,226 1,315 4,138 1,060 26,924
2010 1,499 1,206 19,499 1,298 4,210 1,067 27,280
2009 1,359 1,220 19,816 1,288 4,287 1,054 27,665
2008 3,328 1,498 20,568 2,135 4,646 866 29,713
2007 3,244 1,472 21,010 2,101 4,650 847 30,080
2006 3,279 1,439 21,265 2,136 4,546 914 30,300
2005 2,525 1,322 20,476 1,956 4,288 934 28,976
2004 793 744 19,850 1,540 3,096 929 26,159
2003 748 707 22,080 1,416 2,960 827 27,990
2002 641 679 22,857 1,171 2,772 882 28,361
2001 904 1,342 23,987 1,435 776 3,896 31,436
2000 794 1,206 24,551 1,441 759 3,675 31,632

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 1,233 797 6,524 761 1,859 410 10,351
2022 1,202 786 6,537 754 1,827 416 10,321
2021 919 415 7,177 715 1,909 398 10,615
2020 1,029 364 6,653 709 1,791 372 9,889
2019 832 478 8,776 851 2,054 432 12,590
2018 887 453 8,753 856 2,055 429 12,546
2017 673 546 6,330 824 2,011 498 10,209
2016 689 527 6,332 858 2,027 528 10,273
2015 667 491 6,465 812 1,966 466 10,200
2014 659 494 6,370 792 2,003 470 10,129
2013 613 481 6,277 814 1,966 511 10,049
2012 650 494 8,235 650 1,827 533 11,739
2011 633 519 8,513 617 1,888 505 12,042
2010 644 528 8,634 609 1,921 510 12,202
2009 584 534 8,774 604 1,956 504 12,372
2008 1,889 819 10,977 1,056 2,422 519 15,793
2007 1,841 805 11,213 1,039 2,424 509 15,990
2006 1,861 787 11,349 1,056 2,370 551 16,113
2005 1,433 723 10,928 967 2,235 566 15,419
2004 407 321 9,095 767 1,529 410 12,122
2003 384 305 10,117 705 1,462 365 12,954
2002 329 293 10,473 583 1,369 389 13,107
2001 418 453 10,121 658 364 1,702 13,298
2000 367 407 10,359 661 356 1,609 13,392

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 1,362 705 6,926 735 1,845 410 10,622
2022 1,328 695 6,940 729 1,813 417 10,595
2021 1,085 423 7,125 743 1,935 400 10,626
2020 1,215 371 6,605 737 1,815 374 9,901
2019 982 486 8,713 884 2,082 433 12,598
2018 1,048 461 8,690 890 2,083 431 12,554
2017 722 607 6,839 788 1,500 466 10,200
2016 739 586 6,841 821 1,513 489 10,250
2015 715 546 6,985 776 1,467 444 10,218
2014 707 549 6,882 757 1,495 450 10,132
2013 657 535 6,782 778 1,467 492 10,054
2012 863 634 10,363 735 2,178 588 14,497
2011 840 666 10,713 698 2,250 555 14,882
2010 855 678 10,865 689 2,289 557 15,078
2009 775 686 11,042 684 2,331 550 15,293
2008 1,439 679 9,591 1,079 2,224 347 13,920
2007 1,403 667 9,797 1,062 2,226 338 14,090
2006 1,418 652 9,916 1,080 2,176 363 14,187
2005 1,092 599 9,548 989 2,053 368 13,557
2004 386 423 10,755 773 1,567 519 14,037
2003 364 402 11,963 711 1,498 462 15,036
2002 312 386 12,384 588 1,403 493 15,254
2001 486 889 13,866 777 412 2,194 18,138
2000 427 799 14,192 780 403 2,066 18,240

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

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