MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A205 London Road, Lewisham

between Lewisham boundary and A2216

Location Map
  • Region: London
  • Highway Authority: Transport for London
  • County/Unitary Council: Lewisham
  • OS Coordinates: 535000, 173070
  • Latitude/Longitude: 51.440544, -0.059002871
  • Built-up Area: Lewisham
  • Street Name: London Road
  • Road Number: A205
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Primary Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between Lewisham boundary and A2216
  • Link Length: 0.5 miles (0.8 km)
  • Data collected: 2000 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 839 999 19,970 1,036 5,032 1,067 28,103
2022 818 985 20,011 1,028 4,944 1,086 28,054
2021 511 754 20,119 669 4,829 723 27,093
2020 572 660 18,649 663 4,529 680 25,181
2019 463 867 24,601 795 5,196 782 32,241
2018 494 822 24,537 800 5,198 784 32,141
2017 631 937 21,326 1,034 4,872 1,425 29,593
2016 646 904 21,333 1,077 4,913 1,473 29,699
2015 624 843 21,783 1,018 4,763 1,420 29,826
2014 617 846 21,462 993 4,854 1,434 29,590
2013 719 933 26,151 1,193 4,581 1,375 34,234
2012 754 1,013 26,326 1,129 4,545 1,318 34,332
2011 734 1,065 27,216 1,072 4,696 1,259 35,308
2010 747 1,083 27,603 1,059 4,778 1,280 35,803
2009 677 1,095 28,052 1,051 4,865 1,267 36,330
2008 450 1,252 19,874 1,212 4,707 1,423 28,468
2007 438 1,231 20,300 1,194 4,712 1,398 28,835
2006 444 1,202 20,546 1,213 4,606 1,519 29,086
2005 223 800 27,803 1,145 4,180 1,429 35,357
2004 173 803 28,370 1,180 4,159 1,430 35,942
2003 164 764 31,557 1,085 3,976 1,286 38,668
2002 140 733 32,668 897 3,723 1,373 39,394
2001 241 700 25,140 846 5,056 1,107 32,849
2000 211 629 25,732 850 4,947 1,106 33,264

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 441 529 10,811 522 2,849 611 15,322
2022 430 522 10,833 518 2,800 622 15,294
2021 287 398 10,804 342 2,512 383 14,439
2020 322 349 10,014 339 2,357 360 13,419
2019 260 457 13,211 407 2,703 414 17,192
2018 277 434 13,176 410 2,704 416 17,140
2017 324 474 11,722 489 2,577 736 15,998
2016 332 457 11,726 510 2,598 760 16,051
2015 321 426 11,973 482 2,519 739 16,140
2014 317 428 11,797 470 2,567 743 16,005
2013 369 461 14,267 635 2,632 725 18,720
2012 387 500 14,362 601 2,611 699 18,774
2011 377 526 14,848 570 2,698 672 19,314
2010 384 535 15,059 563 2,745 688 19,590
2009 348 541 15,304 559 2,795 679 19,878
2008 232 602 9,701 592 2,316 694 13,905
2007 226 592 9,909 583 2,318 683 14,085
2006 229 578 10,029 592 2,266 745 14,210
2005 102 404 13,534 549 2,215 724 17,426
2004 79 405 13,810 566 2,204 727 17,712
2003 75 386 15,361 520 2,107 655 19,029
2002 64 370 15,902 430 1,973 701 19,376
2001 128 385 12,657 429 2,646 573 16,690
2000 112 346 12,955 431 2,589 573 16,894

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 398 470 9,159 514 2,182 456 12,781
2022 389 463 9,178 510 2,144 464 12,760
2021 224 356 9,315 326 2,317 340 12,654
2020 251 312 8,634 324 2,173 319 11,762
2019 203 410 11,390 388 2,493 368 15,048
2018 216 388 11,360 390 2,494 369 15,001
2017 307 463 9,604 544 2,295 689 13,595
2016 314 447 9,607 567 2,314 713 13,648
2015 304 416 9,809 536 2,244 681 13,687
2014 300 418 9,665 523 2,287 691 13,584
2013 349 472 11,884 559 1,949 650 15,514
2012 367 513 11,964 529 1,934 619 15,558
2011 357 539 12,368 502 1,998 587 15,994
2010 363 548 12,544 496 2,033 592 16,213
2009 329 554 12,748 492 2,070 588 16,452
2008 218 650 10,173 620 2,391 729 14,563
2007 212 639 10,391 611 2,394 715 14,750
2006 215 624 10,517 621 2,340 774 14,876
2005 121 396 14,269 596 1,965 705 17,931
2004 94 398 14,560 614 1,955 703 18,230
2003 89 378 16,196 565 1,869 631 19,639
2002 76 363 16,766 467 1,750 672 20,018
2001 113 315 12,483 417 2,410 534 16,159
2000 99 283 12,777 419 2,358 533 16,370

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