MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the B1007 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex

Location Map
  • Region: East of England
  • Highway Authority: Essex
  • County/Unitary Council: Essex
  • OS Coordinates: 570101, 205576
  • Latitude/Longitude: 51.723106, 0.46131874
  • Built-up Area: Chelmsford
  • Street Name: Moulsham Street
  • Road Number: B1007
  • Road Type: Minor
  • Road Category: Class B Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Data collected: 2018 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

Show graph for:


Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 146 132 16,310 228 1,659 94 18,423
2022 129 167 16,900 218 1,876 132 19,293
2021 117 112 14,602 250 1,847 189 17,001
2020 129 90 11,578 375 1,723 98 13,865
2019 235 130 17,081 254 1,787 134 19,386
2018 192 136 17,026 257 1,764 134 19,317

Data: Northbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 74 63 8,514 125 856 47 9,606
2022 85 86 9,109 119 975 82 10,370
2021 65 55 7,568 123 907 101 8,754
2020 60 50 5,943 187 845 41 7,066
2019 131 70 9,029 134 967 74 10,274
2018 107 73 9,000 135 955 74 10,238

Data: Southbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 72 68 7,796 103 803 47 8,817
2022 44 81 7,790 99 902 50 8,923
2021 52 57 7,034 127 939 89 8,247
2020 69 40 5,636 188 878 57 6,799
2019 103 60 8,052 120 819 60 9,111
2018 84 62 8,026 122 809 61 9,079

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MABCU is a Good Stuff website.

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