MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for Muirhead Avenue East, Liverpool

Location Map
  • Region: North West
  • Highway Authority: Liverpool
  • County/Unitary Council: Liverpool
  • OS Coordinates: 339482, 393972
  • Latitude/Longitude: 53.439032, -2.9124872
  • Built-up Area: Liverpool
  • Road Type: Minor
  • Road Category: Class C or Unclassified Road
  • Data collected: 2018 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

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Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 187 71 18,064 227 2,405 198 20,965
2022 206 75 17,889 224 2,370 201 20,759
2021 128 66 15,943 256 2,924 192 19,381
2020 214 31 16,071 315 2,337 246 18,999
2019 262 63 17,614 246 2,175 245 20,344
2018 227 67 17,563 243 2,193 255 20,322

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 101 33 9,040 114 1,218 116 10,521
2022 112 35 8,952 112 1,201 118 10,417
2021 76 33 8,208 127 1,330 82 9,780
2020 114 16 7,809 159 1,151 121 9,256
2019 127 33 8,861 122 1,137 136 10,288
2018 110 36 8,835 121 1,146 141 10,278

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 86 37 9,025 114 1,187 82 10,444
2022 95 40 8,937 112 1,170 83 10,342
2021 51 33 7,735 129 1,594 109 9,601
2020 100 15 8,261 156 1,186 125 9,743
2019 135 29 8,754 124 1,038 109 10,055
2018 117 32 8,728 123 1,047 114 10,044

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

MABCU is a Good Stuff website.

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