MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the A830, Highland

between B8008 and A861

Location Map
  • Region: Scotland
  • Highway Authority: Traffic Scotland
  • County/Unitary Council: Highland
  • OS Coordinates: 174000, 783910
  • Latitude/Longitude: 56.891302, -5.712046
  • Road Number: A830
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Class A Trunk Road
  • Road Design: Single Carriageway
  • Link Location: Between B8008 and A861
  • Link Length: 8.82 miles (14.2 km)
  • Data collected: 2005 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

Show graph for:


Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 5 12 636 3 447 66 1,164
2022 6 12 626 3 433 67 1,142
2021 7 11 543 3 395 66 1,018
2020 7 9 473 3 329 58 871
2019 5 52 991 28 265 109 1,444
2018 4 51 982 29 265 110 1,438
2017 4 49 986 30 254 108 1,427
2016 4 49 986 30 238 104 1,406
2015 4 47 957 29 220 99 1,352
2014 4 48 943 27 208 95 1,321
2013 5 44 932 27 191 91 1,285
2012 5 42 929 25 178 89 1,263
2011 5 46 946 22 184 89 1,287
2010 5 46 952 22 176 87 1,283
2009 5 51 989 20 172 86 1,318
2008 5 48 983 20 160 87 1,298
2007 5 47 1,001 20 154 88 1,310
2006 5 45 1,028 20 146 86 1,325
2005 4 15 931 12 153 67 1,178

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 0 6 300 2 238 36 581
2022 0 6 295 2 230 36 569
2021 0 5 256 2 210 35 508
2020 0 5 223 1 175 31 435
2019 3 32 503 14 135 58 741
2018 2 31 498 15 136 58 738
2017 2 30 500 15 130 57 732
2016 3 30 500 15 122 55 721
2015 2 28 486 15 113 52 694
2014 2 29 478 14 106 51 678
2013 3 27 473 14 97 48 659
2012 3 26 471 12 91 47 647
2011 3 28 480 11 94 47 660
2010 3 28 483 11 90 46 658
2009 3 31 502 10 88 45 676
2008 3 29 499 10 82 45 665
2007 3 28 508 10 79 44 669
2006 3 27 522 10 75 44 678

Data: Westbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 5 6 336 2 210 30 584
2022 6 6 331 2 203 31 573
2021 7 5 287 2 185 30 510
2020 7 5 250 1 154 27 437
2019 2 20 488 14 129 51 703
2018 2 20 484 15 130 52 700
2017 2 19 485 15 124 51 695
2016 2 19 486 15 116 49 685
2015 1 18 472 15 108 46 658
2014 1 19 464 14 102 45 643
2013 2 17 459 14 93 43 626
2012 2 17 457 12 87 42 615
2011 2 18 466 11 90 42 627
2010 2 18 469 11 86 41 625
2009 2 20 487 10 84 41 642
2008 2 19 484 10 78 42 633
2007 2 19 493 10 75 44 641
2006 2 18 506 10 71 42 647

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

MABCU is a Good Stuff website.

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