MABCU - data for road nerds

Traffic Statistics for the M6(T), Warwickshire

between Warwickshire boundary and A446

Location Map
  • Region: West Midlands
  • Highway Authority: National Highways
  • County/Unitary Council: Warwickshire
  • OS Coordinates: 415056, 297994
  • Latitude/Longitude: 52.579554, -1.7792444
  • Road Number: M6(T)
  • Road Type: Major
  • Road Category: Trunk Motorway
  • Link Location: Between Warwickshire boundary and A446
  • Link Length: 0.06 miles (0.1 km)
  • Data collected: 2017 to 2023

Average Annual Daily Flow

Show graph for:


Data: All Traffic

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 0 1 542 1 71 21 636
2022 0 1 474 1 62 19 557
2021 0 1 402 1 52 18 474
2020 0 1 298 1 38 14 351
2019 0 1 556 2 55 18 632
2018 0 2 600 2 60 20 684
2017 0 2 600 2 58 19 681

Data: Eastbound

Year Pedal cycles Motorbikes and Mopeds Cars and Taxis Buses and Coaches Light Goods Vehicles Heavy Goods Vehicles All Motor Vehicles
2023 0 1 542 1 71 21 636
2022 0 1 474 1 62 19 557
2021 0 1 402 1 52 18 474
2020 0 1 298 1 38 14 351
2019 0 1 556 2 55 18 632
2018 0 2 600 2 60 20 684
2017 0 2 600 2 58 19 681

All public sector data is licensed under the Open Government Licence v2.0.

MABCU is a Good Stuff website.

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